Note / Disclaimer

The data you send us cannot be identified as your identity. Personal data is not collected by us. The data stored by us can only be assigned by the identification number (ID) generated by the configurator you use. Your personal ID is only known to you. You will need this ID to call up the data stored with us again. Without the ID you will not have access to the uploaded data at a later time. Please keep the ID carefully and do not leave it to a third party who should not have access to your uploaded data.

For the purpose of illustration and production of the ring and/or rings configured by you, we grant on your behalf the operator of the configurator used by you and, if applicable, the manufacturer access to the data uploaded by you. For the purpose of production of the ring(s), the data will also be stored with the manufacturer. The allocation is again exclusively done via your personal ID, which is only known to you. The data will not be transferred to other persons and/or companies.

We are not responsible for the content of the data you upload. In particular, we do not assume any liability in the event that the content infringes the rights of third parties or violates applicable law. We offer our service with this app exclusively to consumers and non-commercial customers.